
Elvis Weight Loss Diet Was What Killed Him

Elvis Presley's Lethal 12,000 Calorie a Day Diet

Why his waistline tripled in five years

Alema Ljuca

On On August 16, 1977, the world stood still. Elvis Presley, the King of Rock 'n' Roll, was found dead in his Graceland home. The man who gave us timeless hits like 'Blue Suede Shoes', 'Love Me Tender', 'Jailhouse Rock', and 'Viva Las Vegas' died alone in his bathroom at the age of 42.

Once a Hollywood A-list star with smoldering good looks, Presley's weight had ballooned to 350 pounds (159kg) in the last five years of his life. Today his melancholy is a well-known fact, his additions and wild lifestyle the stuff of legends, but it was food where Elvis ultimately sought comfort.

These are the dishes Elvis Presley ate as a part of his lethal 10,000-12,000 calorie-a-day diet.

Disclaimer: This article is not to shame Elvis Presley's weight, diet, or calorie intake. I myself indulge in many of the foods Elvis ate and my own weight fluctuates like every other person's too. This article serves as a reminder to all of us how our diets can threaten our health and well-being if not held under control.

The Fool's Gold Loaf

In the late hours of February 1, 1976, Elvis and his friends hopped on his private jet and flew from Memphis to Denver. The reason was not a problem, a movie, or any other urgency, it was Presley's craving — a Fool's Gold Loaf. That night the group of guys ate 22 Gold Loafs at the price of $37.95 each at The Colorado Mine Company.

After three hours of gorging on the meal, the gang boarded the jet once again and returned to Graceland, Memphis.

The same Fool's Gold Loaf Elvis Presley used to eat (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

The sandwich is served even today. It consists of an entire loaf of bread that has been hollowed to fit all of the toppings: a jar of peanut butter, a jar of jelly, and several packs of fried bacon. It contains an incredible 9,000 calories and was one of the favorite dishes of the King of Rock 'n' Roll.

The Fried Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich

In 1987 Mary Jenkins, who was Presley's favorite cook at Graceland for 14 years and worked for him until the day he passed, appeared on Letterman and showed how she used to make his favorite meal — a fried peanut butter and banana sandwich.

When asked if she invented the recipe Mary said: "No, Elvis went on tour and brought this back (referring to his love for the sandwich) with him." Furthermore, it took Mrs. Jenkins five tries before Elvis was pleased with the way she prepared it.

Then Mary demonstrated how she made the sandwich. She took a whole stick of butter and melted it in a pan. Then she took two slices of white bread which she had previously toasted and smeared them with peanut butter, layered slices of banana on them, and fried it all together in the melted butter. Presley ate the sandwich all the time, no matter the time of day.

The fried peanut butter and banana sandwich Elvis used to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Another thing Mary revealed in her Letterman appearance was the kind of boss Elvis was. She said: "He was as friendly as he can be", and treated her in such a way that she "couldn't want to be treated better". "Mary you got a job as long as you want one", Elvis used to tell her. In 1974 Presley bought Mary a house, before that a couple of cars, and every holiday he gave the entire staff a $500 bonus.

After his death, Mary continued to work in Graceland.

A Typical Elvis Breakfast

In The Elvis Presley Story, the author James Gregory wrote the following:

"Note for his future wife: Elvis loves enormous breakfasts complete with sausage, bacon, eggs, fried potatoes, home-baked rolls, and coffee. He has a tremendous appetite at breakfast. His wife should never develop elegant or expensive tastes."

And to be more specific, Elvis liked his bacon burnt and used to put so much pepper on the omelet it ended up looking black.

Cream of wheat and fresh orange juice were also two of his breakfast staples.

The Ultimate Meat Lover

Peanut butter, fried food, and meat were Presley's favorites. But by all accounts, the meat was probably his ultimate number one.

Every meal he ate had to contain some sort of meat whether it be roast beef, ham steaks, boneless chicken, hamburger steaks, meatloaf, and of course Presley loved everything that had to do with bacon.

The recipe for the "Elvis Presley Meatloaf", one of his favorite dishes (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

"Elvis' party meatballs" was the name for meatballs he wrapped in bacon. Another one of his favorite sandwiches was burnt bacon crumpled on top of mayonnaise, canned black olives, and chopped pecans between white bread with its crust removed.

Seafood and fish are usually healthy but Presley's love for fried and over-seasoned food ruined their nutritional value. He liked Oysters Rockefeller which are smothered in butter and loved heavily burned, sugar-glazed salmon so much he had it on his wedding menu.

Snack Time Was All the Time

A typical Elvis morning snack was four scoops of ice cream with six chocolate chip cookies. On top of that, he would eat coconut cake made by following his beloved mother's recipe almost every night. And during the entire day, Presley would sip on his favorite sodas: Pepsi Cola, Nesbitt's Orange, and Shasta Black Cherry, which he had stocked in the fridge at all times.

He also liked ice cream sandwiches with of course — bacon, sour cream pound cake, lemon meringue pie, and fried pickles.

The popular Nesbitt's Orange, one of the sodas Elvis used to drink daily (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

A Diet More Dangerous Than His Eating Habits

Elvis was put on a diet multiple times but never stick to one because in his words: "Food is the only thing I get enjoyment from." Even when he was in the hospital and on a strict diet he would call his chef Mary and ask her to smuggle him hot dogs with sauerkraut — which she did.

The scariest and most dangerous weight loss program Presley was ever put on was the "sleeping beauty diet". When you sleep you don't eat, so Elvis took sedatives to sleep for hours on end. He even pushed it so far where a doctor put him in a medically induced coma. Needless to say, the diet didn't help with Presley's problem.

Elvis never did lose the weight and the last thing Mary Jenkins made for him was a cheeseburger.

In less than five months Elvis Presley would have celebrated his 87th birthday.

Elvis Weight Loss Diet Was What Killed Him


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